Should hopefully be receiving my new ergvideos today.. Some of the videos I purchased were the "Roads of the Tour de France" which includes the climb up Mt Ventoux!

I also opted for a few more including "Grand Prix Blainville" and the "Italian Grand Prix" both sound incredibly difficult, but its all good... To check out the coolness
I checked my TT test I did last year on the Computrainer compared to this year at the exact same time... as crap as I feel, Im very slightly ahead.. its only 5 watts ahead, but If I can progress like last year and get another gain in the watts its all good... Ive decided Ill just be doing these ergvideo rides from now on during the evenings at very low wattage (150 avg or so) for at least 3 weeks, maybe the odd weekend road ride (weather pending of course) I'll have to retest my threshold at some point real soon for the ergvideo training... 20 minutes up a 2% grade right now doesn't seem like alot of fun... hopefully I can average 330 watts.. for some reason Im guessing 310 though.
On a sidenote, the UPS 757 arrived this morning from Minneapolis with my new CX frame... Im usually pumped about getting a new toy... right now, I could care less to be honest... don't get me wrong I want it bad.. Im just not motivated to start building a bike right now... Im thinking Im gonna pull out the golf clubs on the weekends til it snows and just enjoy something different...
I'll post some pics later of the new CX bike.. it is very cool I must say... and yes its Belgian...