Wednesday, November 11, 2009

110KM on November 11th??

Yeah.. was kinda weird doing that.. and I could have/would have done more except when I start seeing peoples headlight turning on.... its time to leave.. that and even though it was +11 out, when the sun gets low in BHP it gets cold... brrrrr

Everytime I come home I say OK thats it, strip the bike and give it the tuneup... but I keep managing to squeeze in ONE more ride!! The mighty Paris will be ripped down shortly for Super Record 11, and some new bars... the funny part is the chain has over 8000km on it this year and hasn't shown any sign of stretch.. gotta love Italian!!

Will I squeeze in another ride... who knows... Im more than happy to rde the computrainer... but who can turn down +11 in November!